Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Yucky Croup!

Early Wednesday morning January 30 was one of the worst mornings for mommy and Mary Anna. I was waken by this awful cough coming over the moniter (and yes it does sound like a seal barking). We had our first case of the croup. Imagine us sitting in the dark in my bathroom with the shower running full blast - she is sleeping the entire time but listening to her breath is just breaking my heart. I am sure we where both a site at 8 am at the doctors office - Mary Anna still in her pj's and I in sweat pants, no make up , hair pulled back and bags under my eyes I am sure you could carry a small dog in. The doctor did confirm it was "the croup" but Mary Anna's lungs are clear which is good - and a round of steriods of all things was prescriped. I will never wish the croup on any parent! After that bad early morning I have also included a video of Mary Anna and her version of "clapping". It is sure to put a smile on any ones face.

This is how I roll

Here are some pictures of Mary Anna in her walker. She seems to like it better outside but it has been way to cold to get out and enjoy it. On the walking subject we are standing by ourselves not holding on to any thing but have yet to take a step. I think it could be any day now!

Friday, January 25, 2008

Video test

This is my test of adding video. This was taken when Mary Anna was only two months old. I still can not believe how much she has changed in these past 10 months.

Was she really this little once!

Her own style

Who said there was only one way to play in an exer-saucer!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

My first friend Hadley

Here are some pictures of Mary Anna and her friend Hadley. Lauren (Hadley's mom) and my due date was only a week apart but Mary Anna decided to arrive early and Hadley was late! They are now really starting to react to each other - like taking away the toy the other has. I still keep up with my first friend and I hope that no matter where there lives take them that Hadley and Mary Anna can stay in touch.
PS you can take a look at Hadley's blog at:

Friday, January 18, 2008

Helping around the house

So our new thing is playing in the dishwasher. She could be in the den but when she hears the door go down she is right there in the kitchen ready to help in her own way. I think I am going to be sure and keep these pictures so in 10 - 12 years when I hear "but I don't want to unload the dishwasher" I can help her to remember how much she used to like it.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

My First Christmas

Our first Christmas was a little over whelming. Mary Anna could not figure out why every one was trying to take away her toys just after she worked so hard to get them open! But we all enjoyed spending time with family and friends over several days.

See my new car Daddy?

My aunt Phyllis made this for me for my first Christmas and now Mary Anna is wearing it for hers. I am sure she does not realize that it is older then she is - but we will not say by how much.

That was fun - how many more days until Santa comes again?