Monday, March 10, 2008

Mary Anna's first birthday party ....

Mary Anna's first birthday party was Sunday the 9th (one day before her real birthday on the 10th). There was a full house of family and friends to help us celebrate. In the picture you can see that she is not sure as to why all of us are singing "at her" and it looks as if she is thinking if I lean over enough in my chair maybe they will stop! Since she has not had any thing as sweet as the cake before I was wondering what she would think. After a little coxing she dug in to her piece no problem. The same thing happened as did at Christmas in that she was fixed on the first present that was opened and was not in to the others until a little later. The new zebra riding toy was enjoyed by our friends Mallory and Katie - we hope they will come back and play soon - but we might have to get a second zebra since our birthday girl was voicing her opinion on others playing with her toys. It was a beautiful day for a beautiful, wonderful and much loved birthday girl!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

AW! She wore my bow! And look how nicely the birthday dress fit her! I can't believe she is one!

I miss you, Mary Anna! Happy Birthday, baby!